
Cycling Day

Ontem foi dia de ciclismo. Acaba amanhã a 73ª volta a Portugal em bicicleta e ontem decorreu a 8ª etapa, e para muitos a mais difícil, a subida à serra. Algumas fotos e o site oficial da volta aqui

Yesterday was a cycling day. Ends tomorrow the 73th cycling back to Portugal, and yesterday was the 8th round, and form many the most difficult one, climb te mountain. Some photos and the official website of the competition here

camisa.shirt Massimo Dutti | top Loja local.Local store | calções.shots Bershka | cinto.belt fabrico artesanal.handmade | sandálias.sandals comprei numa feirinha.I have bought it on marketanel.ring Parfois | óculos.glasses Zara

5 comentários:

  1. Nice denim clothes! You have really beautiful hair! Xoxo -Minna

  2. Nice blog & pictures :-) I hope You will take a look at my blog and maybe follow!


  3. Amazing outfit and pics!
    Great blog! Following! Follow back? <3

  4. hey! it seems like you had a wonderful day!!! I really like your nailpolishes, and the idea of combining two different colors in hands and feet! xx

  5. I'm in need of jeans shirt ! Have to get it ASAP!
    Yours looks great! (:

    Thanks for your kind comment (:
    xx Brigita


Thank you for comment!
Big kiss.*Jo